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5 Ways to Get the Attention of a Retail Buyer (#3 is super easy!)

Buyers receive hundreds of cold emails and pitches a week. Therefore, if you want to connect with them in a meaningful way here are five ways to grab their attention and stay on their radar.

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8 Rookie Mistakes Brand Founders Make When Starting A New Business

Josanta Gray Emegano

Across the board, there are 8 rookie mistakes all brand founders make when they’re first starting out. Since experience can be a costly teacher when you’re building a business on a tight budget, take a moment to learn from these collective experiences of other founders to save yourself time and money. From there, you’re free to make your own mistakes that future entrepreneurs can learn from!
5 Financial Resolutions for Small Business

Bryce Warnes

It’s that time again: a new calendar year and the opportunity to start fresh with your goal-setting. Feeling extra ambitious this new year? Set some financial goals for your small business—we’ve picked our top five financial resolutions that you can put into action now for smooth sailing in 2021 (and beyond).
A New Year Checklist for Your Small Business

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5 Ways to Get the Attention of a Retail Buyer (#3 is super easy!)

Josanta Gray Emegano

Buyers receive hundreds of cold emails and pitches a week. Therefore, if you want to connect with them in a meaningful way here are five ways to grab their attention and stay on their radar.
7 Steps to Jumpstart Your Consumer Product Business

Josanta Gray Emegano

If you have a specific product or idea that can serve a niche audience, follow these seven steps to jumpstart your business:
Here’s How to Get Ahead of Tax Season

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3 Fatal Mistakes to Avoid When Meeting with a Retail Buyer

Josanta Gray Emegano

Buyers and their processes will vary by retailer. However, after having countless retail buyer meetings around the globe, I’ve put together a list of these fatal mistakes you should avoid during your upcoming meeting with a retail buyer.
Don’t Let Dust Settle: 5 Ways to Avoid Business Burnout

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Business burnout is real, and it can be a main factor in why so many good ideas fail to get off the ground. We've assembled a few tips that successful entrepreneurs use two keep their work and themselves open to new ideas and new opportunities. So don't get discouraged, dust yourself off, and get ready to be the best you, you can be.
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Launching with A Retailer

Josanta Gray Emegano

Placing your online-only product in stores can help you elevate your customer’s experience and increase overall brand awareness. While it’s a large task ahead, it does require a different launch plan than what you’re used to. Before you take this next step, here are five questions you should ask yourself before launching with a retailer.
Three Things To Consider Before Hiring An Agent or Manager

Josanta Gray Emegano

Regardless of if you’re an influencer, an actress, or an author, pursuing representation can be tricky. As a former agent myself, I know all managers and agents aren’t created equally. Therefore, I’ve created a quick list of the three most frequently asked questions on the subject as you look to take your career to the next level.
Testing, Testing: Why You Need Feedback on Your Product from Your Audience BEFORE Launch

Josanta Gray Emegano

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Never Believe These 3 Common Retail Misconceptions

Josanta Gray Emegano

There is no exact recipe to create the perfect launch, but don’t let these common misconceptions be your kryptonite on the road to grabbing the shelf space that you deserve.

The From Gray to Green blog is a safe space filled with resources for entrepreneurs to use as they overcome the daunting obstacles that are preventing them from getting to the green!

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